Website Distance Selling Agreement

In accordance with the 'Regulation on the procedures and principles of implementing distance contracts' published in the Official Gazette dated 13.06.2003 and numbered 25137, it has become obligatory to conclude a contract for sales made over the internet. Contract details are as stated below.



FALEZ TURİZM TRAVEL AGENCY TİCARET İTHALAT İHRACAT LIMITED COMPANY. The service provider will be referred to as “Carrier”. The person whose name and surname is stated in the reservation and/or the persons he represents will be referred to as "Consumer".

2- Subject

This contract is made between the Consumer and the Transporter. It is regulated for service sales made in written, visual, telephone and electronic media in accordance with the services sold by the carrier, whose qualifications and sales conditions are specified below, and covers the rights and obligations of the parties. It covers the transfer and vehicle allocation service purchased by the Consumer from the carrier's website. The qualifications of the purchased service are stated in the Website Distance Selling Agreement and the "Cancellation, Return Conditions and Privacy" pages.

3- Duration of the Contract

This contract; It enters into force on the date that the reservation in question is approved by the Transporter, and if no dispute arises, it ends automatically when the service received by the Consumer is completed. In the event of a dispute, this contractual relationship will be valid until the final resolution of the dispute.

4- Payment and Billing Information

When purchasing service by credit card, the Consumer is obliged to pay the service fee at the time of reservation. Making the reservation and payment; It means accepting the provisions specified in the Carrier's Website Distance Selling Agreement and "Cancellation, Return Conditions and Privacy" pages. Complaints and refund requests must be sent to [email protected] until 14 (fourteen) days after the service date. The invoicing period for the purchased service is V.U.K. 7 days, including the date of purchase, provided that no month is skipped as required. The Carrier will use the information provided in the reservation form in documenting the invoices to be sent to the Consumer. Upon invoice request, an e-invoice will be sent to the e-mail address specified by the consumer in the reservation form. Expenses arising from the cancellation and refund of credit card payments made to the bank's POS system or the company that provides payment systems services are deducted from the amount to be refunded, at the expense of the customer. In refunds of payments made by bank transfer, the transaction fee charged by the bank is deducted from the service fee and the transaction cost belongs to the customer. In case of requests for the specified vehicles within 24 hours, pre-qualification must be obtained by contacting us. In bank transfers made from abroad, there may be commissions deducted by the sender due to financial agreements between countries or reasons arising from the commission policy of the sending bank or correspondent bank. Commission deductions and responsibilities arising from the bank to which the money transfer will be made belong to the sending party. To avoid such a situation, please get confirmation from your bank.

5- Cancellation and Change

When the consumer requests cancellation up to 24 hours before the start of the service, the entire service fee paid will be refunded to him/her. If the consumer requests cancellation within less than 24 hours before the start of the service, the one-way service fee will not be refunded, and if the transfer reservation is made with a cash payment system to the driver, the transfer fee will be collected from the consumer. (If the two-way service fee has been paid, the full return fee will be refunded for cancellations made before the departure transfer.) These conditions do not cover promotional services, early reservations or discounted reservations. Cancellation provisions apply to date changes made by the consumer. The Consumer agrees to comply with the service contract rules regarding the service purchased from the Carrier; He accepts that he will respect the life, property and peace of third parties, otherwise he will not be able to receive the service for justified reasons and he has no right to return. If, after the performance of the service, the relevant bank or financial institution does not pay the service fee to the Transporter due to the unfair or unlawful use of the Consumer's credit card by unauthorized persons, which is not due to the fault of the Transporter, the Consumer is responsible for the service fee and any resulting damages.

6- General provisions

The carrier is responsible for any mechanical malfunction in the transfer vehicle that would prevent the start or continuation of the service, traffic accident, operational disruptions, adverse weather conditions, traffic congestion, terrorist incidents, practices of law enforcement agencies, etc. As soon as it realizes that it cannot make your transfer for any reason, it will try to provide an alternative vehicle as soon as possible and/or will inform you otherwise. In the cases stated above, the refund of the transfer fee paid will be refunded to you without interruption and/or in such a case, the refund of the transfer fee will be refunded to you.

The price difference arising from the transportation provided by your own means will be paid to the Consumer by the Transporter.


This contract consists of 7 main articles, and if necessary, it will be drawn up in 2 copies and signed by the parties, and in case of disputes arising from the contract, the articles of the Road Transport Law No. 4925 shall apply. Antalya court and enforcement offices have jurisdiction over any disputes arising from this contract. I declared that I have read and accepted the contract on behalf of myself and/or the persons whose names are written in the reservation form. This is my statement; It is valid even if someone else has carried out and/or accepted the reservation process instead of myself. As the consumer, I have read, understood and accepted all of the provisions specified in the Website Distance Sales Agreement and "Cancellation, Return Conditions and Privacy" pages, the responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the reservation form I have sent, the Road Transport Law No. 4925 and the information on the Transporter's website. I declare.